Final Fantasy 16 is filled with various creatures for you to track down and fight. Throughout the game, you will have run-ins with constant threats including special threats, called Notorious Marks, which are much tougher than the rest. These monsters are the toughest of them all and take time to defeat.
Later in the game, you will get a quest called Blacksmith’s Blues. During this quest, you will need to track down a griffin called Dozmare. Slay this creature and earn yourself a nice reward. Be careful, it is much tougher than it looks. Here is where you can find the Griffin in Final Fantasy 16.
Griffin location in FF16
After returning to the Hideaway for the Here Be Monsters main quest, you will have a few side quests to pick up. One of these side quests can be found next to the Hunt Board. This quest is called Blacksmith’s Blues. During this quest, you will be tasked with tracking down a Griffin using the Hunt Board which is easier said than done.
The Griffin in question can be found at Caer Norvent West Gate in Sanbreque. That isn’t the greatest description. Start by fast traveling to the Lostwing Obelisk. This will put you close to the Griffin’s location.
After loading into the area, head south down the pathway leading to Norvent Valley. Follow this pathway all the way to Caer Norvent River Gate. Once you reach the area, the Griffin will appear on top of the gate. You will get a short cutscene showing the Griffin hop down to challenge you.
The Griffin is a pretty difficult creature to defeat with plenty of fast-paced attacks that will keep you on your toes. Watch out for its swooping and lunge attacks. Use Ramuh’s abilities to your advantage during this fight as they seem to do the most damage. Once defeated, you can head back to Blackthorne to complete the quest.