Do you want to craft crossbow bolts in Dead Island Island 2? The crossbow is an important tool in Dead Island 2’s Haus DLC. Once you get your hands on it, you can use it to destroy the brains, complete puzzles, and destroy zombies. There is little that you cannot do without it.
Of course, if you are going to use the crossbow in Dead Island 2, you need to learn how to craft the ammo for it. After getting the crossbow, you either need to purchase the ammo or learn how to craft your own. This guide will show you how to craft crossbow bolts in Dead Island 2.
Dead Island 2 – Crossbow bolt blueprint location
If you want to craft crossbow bolts, you need to start by obtaining the blueprints for them. Just like other ammo types, crossbow bolts have a blueprint that you can find in the game. The blueprints can be found in the Haus DLC. Specifically, you find them after picking up the crossbow.
Once you get the K-Prototype Crossbow in Dead Island 2, make your way out of the well. You will find yourself in the area outside of Veronique’s office. Make your way through the dark area filled with zombies and back to her office, using the crossbow to destroy brains so you can gain access.
Continue through the area like you are going back to the main hub area where you placed Veronique’s head earlier. As you progress through the area, stop when you reach the room with the bathtub that is bing drenched in blood.
Take a look at the left side of the room. You will spot a brain body near a door that is being blocked by tendrils. Use the crossbow to shoot the brains on the other side of the wall. There are two brains; one is behind the TV, and the other is on the wall. Once both are destroyed, you will gain access to the room. The crossbow blueprints are sitting on the table.
Dead Island 2 – How to craft crossbow bolts
Crafting Crossbow Bolts in Dead Island 2 is very easy. All you need it one blade. One blade can be used to make one crossbow bolt. Because of this, you should have a very difficult time running out of bolts to use on your enemies.
You can hold a total of 15 crossbow bolts at one time. While the weapon is limited with its ammo, the bolts do a fair amount of damage so it is a weapon that you should keep with you throughout the DLC.