There are multiple ways you can go about completing the various heists in Payday 3. In each level, you need to learn the level inside and out to properly understand the best route to get in and out without starting a big firefight. In Gold and Sharke, you will notice there is a special elevator just outside the vault where you need to grab a server and cash. Here is how to use the elevator on Gold and Sharke open in Payday 3.
How to open the elevator on Gold and Sharke in Payday 3
Unfortunately, there is only one way to get the elevator on Gold and Sharke to work in Payday 3, and there is a chance that you don’t have access to the thing needed to do it. Before you begin each heist, your team has a few minutes to select their loadouts and choose favors to deploy in the level. Most of the time, these are resource drops like medic bags, more ammo, and more. However, each level also has unique favors that give you special access to areas in that particular level. Someone must use the Gold and Sharke: Elevator Access favor to open the elevator.
Unfortunately, as of this writing, there is no way to guarantee you get any of the unique level favors. You can buy the health, ammo, armor, and zip line ones in the shop, but the ones that are dedicated to certain levels are randomly given to you upon completing heists. It’s not even completing the heists that they go to, so you could complete Gold and Sharke 50 times, and there is a chance you will never get the Elevator Access favor.
If you get Elevator Access, it lets you load up the server and cash much quicker than without it. Usually, you have to do a lot of running back and forth to unload the vault, but this speeds up the process.
We recommend just playing through the heists like you normally would and checking to see if you got the Elevator Access favor at some point when you play Gold and Sharke. Hopefully, there will be an update to Payday 3 in the future that better explains how you get these special favors and lets us choose which ones we get.