The latest issue of Blizzard drama has started because of Overwatch 2’s first Mythic weapon skin. The Bound Demon is a cool-looking change to Reinhardt’s hammer and can be used with any of his character skins. However, it doesn’t take long to see some extremely money-hungry business practices at play.
There are two ways to get the Bound Demon weapon skin. First, you can purchase it in a Shop bundle for $39.99. You also get some battle pass tier skips and coins with that, but even for putting that money in, you don’t get the entire utility of the weapon skin. All Mythic skins in Overwatch 2 have four levels to them, which you unlock with Mythic Prisms, a relatively new currency in the game. Buying that $40 bundle only gets you the first level. Here is how the levels work out.
- Level 1: Base skin unlock – 50 Prisms
- Level 2: Reactivity (weapon makes sounds and effects after getting eliminations) – 10 Prisms
- Level 3: Flourish – 10 Prisms
- Level 4: Kill effect – 10 Prisms
To get any of the later levels, you must first purchase the previous levels. Let’s say you wanted to get the flourish ability, which has Reinhardt twirl the hammer in his hand when you hold reload. If you have already spent your Mythic Prisms from the battle pass on the featured character skins in the game, you are stuck paying $74.99 for the 100 Prisms just to get that flourish animation.
Personally, we don’t care about flourishes and weapon inspections in games. They stand beside weapon charms in our minds as wasted “content” that people put too much money into. Blizzard has definitely taken things much farther than they need to go here, though. Weapon flourishes were initially teased before Overwatch 2 was released. Since then, we’ve heard that they went on the back burner only to be brought out with some gross monetization. We highly recommend not putting the price of a full game towards a simple weapon twirl. Don’t fall into predatory money practices like this.