With every patch that Helldivers 2 gets, more issues need to arise. The latest Helldivers 2 patch added over 100 changes and fixes to the game. This includes things like invite-only lobbies, a stop to the unlimited grenade glitch, and dozens of weapon modifications. Arrowhead even changed around some of the Stratagems that players can get their hands on, making older ones more viable. One of the changes was applied to the Ballistic Shield.
The Ballistic Shield in Helldivers 2 is a stratagem you can call down that gives you a shield you can use to deflect damage from behind or block damage from the front. While holding the shield, you can use a secondary weapon like the Senator to attack foes. While a primary weapon is being used, the shield is stored on the Helldiver’s back and protects them from behind. The patch made it so the shield now collides with grenades. Unfortunately, there is also a bug with the Ballistic Shield.
Currently, players are saying that the Ballistic shield is making it so they cannot stand up from being crouched or prone. One user on the Helldivers 2 Discord messaged community manager Twinbeard saying, “I literally cannot uncrouch/unprone I heard some say it’s because I use the Ballistic shield but it borders unplayable the only way I found to fix it is literally killing myself in game and get a new respawn.”
In response to this issue, Twinbeard responded by saying “We’re aware of this and are working on it.” As with many other issues, Arrowhead is adding them to the list to fix them in the future. For now, we suggest not using the Ballistic Shield since it prevents players from being able to stand. At the very least, avoid going prone or crouching while you have the shield equipped. If you do get stuck in the prone position, toss a grenade and kill yourself to get a new respawn and allow yourself to walk again.