The latest Helldivers 2 major order has players choosing whether to save sick and dying kids or forget about the survivors and gather materials for the Anti-Tank Mines. This decision was meant to give the players a difficult choice but it seems most of the community is on board with saving the kids, even if the cost is losing out on the mines for a third time. Some players even believe the Helldivers just aren’t meant to have the anti-tank mines and it is fate that they will always be unobtainable.
The Anti-Tank Mines have already appeared in previous major orders and each time players have either decided on a different reward or failed to complete the objective. Despite players missing out on the mines yet again, players don’t seem to care and would rather take a much more adorable reward if Arrowhead decides to put it in the game.
Multiple Reddit posts like this one by Imaginary_Ad8927 have been posted. These posts show various Helldivers 2 capes with kids’ drawings to commemorate the saving of the sick kids from Vernen Wells. Each cape shows different messages from the children of Vernen Wells saying thank you and it is heartwarming to say the least.
One user commented, “I hope they add this and then later the devs link to St. Jude’s foundation and encourage the community to donate to real ill kids.” In response to this, another user said, “Honestly, the community is so great if they did a MO that donated money to St. Jude’s, it would be the most successful MO participation to date.”
Other users commented saying things like, “I’d kill for the third cape,” or “I’d face Hellmire on my own for 100 missions to get that 3rd cape.” It is clear that Helldivers have a warm spot in their hearts for these children. Arrowhead needs to listen up and make this the reward. There are only a few more days left in the MO, so if you plan on helping out the children, head to Vernen Wells.
While we are saving the children in Helldivers 2, you can also look forward to the next Warbond called Viper Commandos which is set to drop on Thursday. We will also be getting a massive patch with over 100 changes and fixes on the same day so be prepared for some major changes during this MO.