Plenty of issues are still plaguing Helldivers 2 months after its release. Thankfully, developer Arrowhead has been hard at work trying to help players with the many issues they are experiencing. Not long ago, the team released a patch that helped with multiple crashing issues with a main focus being a fix for the FAF-14 Spear. With that being said, there are still many more problems that the devs need to work out. One of the biggest issues players have had is social bugs. Not to worry, the Helldivers 2 team is still working on the social fixes. They might just take a bit longer than expected.
When asked about the fixes for the social issues in Helldivers 2, community manager Twinbeard let everyone know that fixes are still being worked on but they “will take some time.” The issues in question are that sending friend requests via friend code doesn’t work, game invites may not work properly, players might not be able to join games, and players added to the recent players list appear in the center of the list and not the top.

The latest patch did fix the friends list issue that was affecting the game, unfortunately, none of the other issues were taken care of. Twinbeard stated that the reason why it will take a while to complete is that they are “doing an overhaul of the social menu and the systems therein.” So the entire social menu is getting an overhaul to fix the issues at play. Twinbeard also stated that they would “rather wait and get it right than push something prematurely.”
Since Shams Jorjani took over at Arrowhead, the team has been spending more time on larger patches so that they can actually fix the issues without breaking something else in the process. This is great since we are sure many players don’t want the game to break even more so taking their time on the social issues is the right call.