There is no denying that the Spear is one of the most wildly unpredictable weapons in Helldivers 2. Sometimes it one-shots the big enemies towering overhead and sometimes it takes two or three rockets to do anything. It also has an issue with locking on. Every time you try to get it to work, it seems that the Spear just wants to fight you. That is why many have been asking Arrowhead to add more power to the Spear and fix the lock-on system. Unfortunately, we have not gotten any word about a potential fix for this weapon… until now.
Earlier today on the Helldivers 2 Discord server, a concerned player asked community manager Twinbeard, “Are there any updates regarding the fix to the Spear? Do you know if this is one of the things going to be addressed in the next patch?” In response to this, Twinbeard replied by saying he “believes it is.” He then clarified that he believes it will be “fixed in the next big patch.”

While this isn’t a guarantee that we will be getting a fix for the Spear in the upcoming patch, it does show that the devs at Arrowhead Game Studios are aware of the issues with the weapon and are looking to get them ironed out. Whether this will happen in the next big patch is undetermined, but if the fix is coming at that time, we can most likely expect it at the beginning of June.
This isn’t the only issue still plaguing Helldivers 2 as many have complained about a bug that does not allow players to get reinforced. Instead, they remain spectating their fellow Helldivers. Countless more issues are sure to be ironed out when the next patch goes live but make sure to check the list of issues that get added to the game as well in case more crashing occurs.