A fan-made Super Mario Maker, but for Mario 64 has been released. The ROM hack is called Mario Builder 64 and allows you to build levels and play creations by other players. You can watch the video below that shows some already created levels and the tools you have at your disposal.
You can download Mario Builder 64 at any of the sites below:
From what we see in the trailer above, Mario Builder 64 has many of the same assets that you see in the original Nintendo game. Enemies, bosses, blocks, and various building blocks are available. The levels are all constructed by using a grid system that looks somewhat similar to the one in Mario Maker, though it accounts for movement in all directions. We imagine some things are missing, but the small team looks to have put a focus on making sure as much as possible was here.
Is it safe from Nintendo?
Ever since Super Mario Maker was released for the Wii U, we think every Mario fan has dreamed of what Nintendo could do with a 3D version of the game. The 2D games already give players a ton of freedom to make what they want, but expanding that to another dimension would go so much further. Mario Builder 64 gives us that in one of our favorite games ever.
As much as we love the potential of Mario Builder 64, you, of course, need to consider Nintendo. Now that word has gotten out about this ROM hack, we will see if they decide to go after it with a DMCA Takedown. There are some fan projects the company doesn’t threaten with legal action, but the ones they do go after are shut down pretty quickly.