With how willing Dead by Daylight is to add third-party characters to its roster, it gets the fan base fantasizing about perfect matches. Of course, we have the Five Nights at Freddy’s crossover coming next year, and Castlevania is being added soon, too, but there’s always potential for more. One crossover that will likely never happen but we would love to see is The Other Mother from Coraline creeping her way into Dead by Daylight.
Reddit user Biolumenace put together the below concept of how The Other Mother could work in the asymmetrical horror game. To simplify the concept, she has three stages that you see in the movie that she moves through as Survivors repair “trapped” generators. As she continues into her more spider-like form, Bloodlust lets her move much faster, and her attack reach is extended. There is also an idea for the doll from the movie to make an appearance that lets The Other Mother see the Obsession at all times.
Overall, we love these ideas for The Other Mother to use in Dead by Daylight if she were to be added. There would definitely have to be some tweaking because things like seeing the Obsession’s aura at all times until the doll is burned would be rough for more casual players. We think there would be a way to work in how interacting with the doll reveals your location, but maybe that gives you one of the Adder Stones to see a trapped generator with.
Dead by Daylight very likely will never add The Other Mother to the game for a variety of reasons. If by some miracle it did happen, Coraline and Wybie wouldn’t be added to the game because putting kids on hooks to sacrifice to a spider-like god wouldn’t look that good. We can always dream of the potential of one of our favorite stop-motion villains being playable, though.