Let’s face it; leveling in XDefiant can feel a bit slow. It takes a while to unlock attachments for your weapons and even longer to unlock any mastery skins. Even when you do unlock mastery skins, there are only three of them; bronze, silver, and gold. While these are nice, many in the XDefiant community want more added to the game and feel like the leveling/mastery of weapons needs to be much quicker. This became even more apparent when Ubisoft did a double-XP weekend and fans were saying leveling should “be this quick to begin with.”
Recently, XDefiant executive producer Mark Rubin, reached out on his X page to talk about weapon leveling and mastery – responding to the community’s concerns about the system going forward with season 1 right around the corner. In the post, Mark stated, “Attachments for weapons affect gameplay. And people were unlocking attachments slower than we estimated. The faster leveling is in response to that.”
The first part of the response is referencing a recent patch where Ubisoft increased weapon XP so that players can unlock attachments faster. In a recent poll posted by Mark as well, responses were very mixed on how fast players are leveling up weapons. Of course, this still depends on how much someone plays and their skill level but leveling as been increased in general.
Mark went on to say, “Weapon Mastery on the other hand does not affect gameplay and is supposed to be something special that shows off your dedication to a weapon. And so the re-balance of levels was in response to that.” Many have responded to this comment by saying that it feels like they are “working toward nothing,” and that “there needs to be more in the game.”
In response to these comments, Mark said, “I hear you and I don’t disagree that there needs to be more progression. Prestige is coming. A new version of weapon mastery is coming. And other forms of progression are coming.” The season 1 trailer for XDefiant shows that a new version of weapon mastery is coming as well as prestige ranks. To finish out his post, Mark stated, “Also, this whole system is being redone to be more engaging for everyone. It will be a couple of seasons before we see this but we will be looking at feedback now to improve our future implementation.” So the entire system will be reworked in the future.