Finding Fariba in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown will be a massive help to you. Letting her reveal the entire layout of the section you are in is invaluable to finding secrets and avoiding getting lost. Unfortunately, it can be a little easy to accidentally pass her up without even knowing it. That is the case in the Pit of Eternal Sands, where she is in a hidden passageway. Here is the Fariba location in the Pit of Eternal Sands in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.
Where is Fariba in the Pit of Eternal Sands in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown?
The first time you can find the Fariba location the Pit of Eternal Sands in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, you will have just gotten past the section that involved you moving through a maze of sand filled with giant crawling bugs. Shortly after that, you will have found a Wak Wak Tree with a fast travel point for Sentinel’s Road. Luckily, Fariba is right near this location, so fast travel back here if you missed her the first time.
When you are standing at the fast travel statue, move to the left and drop straight down. On the floor is a yellow marking showing that you can destroy it with an explosive. If you don’t have an explosive on you, move straight to the right, and behind an enemy is a yellow rock that you can pick up with Dimensional Claw.

With the rubble out of the way, drop down into a location where you can talk to Fariba and buy the map area for the Pit of Eternal Sands. If you go back up and grab another explosive, you can also destroy the wall behind her for a room with a puzzle for you to solve.