A username is one of the foremost ways to express yourself as a gamer. So, when you start playing The Finals, you’ll want to give yourself a name that fits you. However, when you download it, the game gives you a random name. For that perfect, personal moniker, how do you change your name in The Finals?
Can you change your name in The Finals?
Yes, you can change your name in The Finals, but it is a convoluted process. To start, when you download The Finals, you will be prompted to create an Embark account. This account is critical to changing your name. Once the game has been downloaded and you’ve let Embark create an account for you, go to the Embark Studios online portal to interact with your username and private information.
Embark’s website is also a great place to learn more about this studio and investigate other support questions.

To change your username, go to the right side of your account and click the edit tab across from your display name. This will open a prompt that lets you type in a new username. Be careful to choose a name for The Finals that fits you — and double-check your spelling. If you type in a less-than-satisfying username or type it in wrong, you’ll have to wait another ten minutes to change it. Not the worst penalty, but does take time.
Once you’ve typed in a worthwhile username, hit enter and you’ll be good to go. You’ll have your perfect, personalized name for playing The Finals.
If you want some video game-inspired username ideas, we’ve got a clever list of Pikachu nicknames for you to prove you’re lightning-fast in the arena. Otherwise, feel free to create coordinated usernames with friends or just default to whatever your go-to display name might be.