Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero has revealed its first 24 playable character slots, and if you were worried about Goku and Vegeta not getting enough representation, you have nothing to fear. All 24 of the first revealed slots are comprised of various versions of the Saiyan rivals, including various transformations, points in the timeline, and even the great ape version of Vegeta.
Before you think that dedicating two dozen playable slots to two characters is too much, this is actually a great move for long-time Dragon Ball fans. Not only do you get representations of your favorite character throughout various points of the long run the series has had, but every slot has unique moves dedicated to how that character would fight in that transformation or time of their life. Plus, this roster is going to be jampacked with well over a hundred characters to choose from. We’re not worried about many characters being forgotten, and if they’re not included at launch, they will likely be DLC.
While we have seen many versions of Goku and Vegeta already, we are sure more will make their way to the game eventually. They could pull from the original Dragon Ball series with Kid Goku, bring back GT versions with Super Saiyan 4, and we haven’t seen Ultra Instinct or Ultra Ego in the game yet. That’s before we even consider the fusion forms of Gogeta and Vegito. There’s a very real chance we could be pushing 50 slots for Goku and Vegeta by the time everything is said and done.
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero sees the return of the Budokai Tenkaichi series, which was a hit among many Dragon Ball fans in the 2000s. Where Dragon Ball FighterZ is a more traditional 2D fighting game, this one will be played in a 3D environment with the camera placed behind your chosen fighter. It might take a bit of getting used to for new players, but with such an expansive roster, we are very excited to see how the game plays.