Dating back to the original rivalry of Nintendo and Sega, the term “console war” has been integrated into the gaming lexicon. Sure, there have always been competing consoles and companies, but it wasn’t until these two titans went head-to-head that the first true shot of the console wars was fired. From insane marketing stunts and advertising campaigns to touting “totally legit” hardware features, companies wanted players to draw a line in the sand. And we did.
To some, and to all of us here, console wars are just a bit of fun. We all love games on all platforms, and there’s no joy in making others feel bad for owning one over another. We see it as a friendly war, if such a thing can exist. A silly way companies try to get a one-up on the other by creating the most loyal and zealous fans possible. We’re somewhat in more of a cold war right now, but at its peak in the 90s and early 2000s, the console wars were a sight to behold. This month, we want to reflect on some of the most fun “battles” in this war, plus look at how it has impacted the industry to this day. So we want you to join us in this celebration of the ongoing Console Wars. No need to pick a side or wear a uniform; we’re all here for a good time!