Have you ever considered the worth of a single mortal’s life? Baldur’s Gate 3 will have you questioning this notion after meeting an undead NPC named Withers. After rising from a tomb deep within the abandoned church, Withers will simply ask you a question to gauge your answer. He is a rather curious skeleton, after all.
Depending on your answer, he could very well attack you or be one of your favorite NPCs. There are many options to choose from so it can be difficult to gauge which one is the best to go with. So what is the answer to Withers’ question? What is the worth of a single mortal life in Baldur’s Gate 3?
What is the answer to Withers’ riddle in Baldur’s Gate 3?
After reaching the Dank Crypt, you can head to the back of the room to find a hidden area with a sarcophagus. Opening this room via the button on the wall will trigger a trap involving a battle with several undead foes. Once you can interact with the sarcophagus, Withers will rise and ask you a rather vague question. “What is the worth of a single mortal life?” You will be given the following answers:
- Quite the question. What’s the reason for it?
- ‘So he has spoken’? What ‘he’ are you talking about?
- Little spooked by crawling out of the tomb bit. What are you?
- A peaceful undead. Interesting. Why aren’t you attacking me?
- Attack
Of these choices, none of them will result in combat except for the attack option. Alas, none are actual answers to Withers’ question. Continue through the dialogue and you will get asked the question again should you allow him to ask again. The second time, you will be able to give the following answers:

- No one life is worth more than any other. We are all equal.
- That depends on the person’s deeds.
- Life’s only value is as currency. Doesn’t matter to me otherwise.
- Each life is of infinite value and merits sacrificing everything for.
- The only life that matters is mine.
- Depends on the mortal.
No matter what answer you give here, Withers will respond with, “I am curious by what standards thou shalt judge.” He will then tell you that he is satisfied and will bid you farewell, being sure to let you know that he will appear later on. This is obviously a question that will get answered later in the story.