The Phantom Oxcart quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is an interesting side quest that you can pick up in Verworth. After discovering the truth behind the rumors of the oxcart, you are left with two choices. You must either follow the cart to its destination or disguise yourself as a Pawn. Thanks to this quest step, many are confused as to how to dawn this disguise to fool the cart driver.
If you want to hide in plain sight, taking on the look of a Pawn is a great way to do it. After all, many don’t think twice when they notice a Pawn wandering the streets. Thankfully, to take on this new look, you don’t need to alter your appearance or reawaken using a Wakestone. This guide will show you how to disguise yourself as a Pawn in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
How to put on a Pawn disguise in Dragon’s Dogma 2
If you choose to take the route of disguising yourself as a Pawn in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you first need to travel to where teh Oxcart stops each night. Once you reach this area, strip off your character’s clothing and weapons. Make sure that your character is standing around in their underwear. If they are, the oxcart driver will tell you to get in the back with the rest of the Pawns.

When we say that you must remove all items, that includes your armor, rings, and weapons. You cannot have any items equipped for your character. If you do, the oxcart driver will simply ignore you. Of course, you can try to simply follow the cart but many have pointed out that it won’t move if you are standing nearby, meaning you need to don your disguise or else you cannot continue the quest. Be sure to keep your disguise on until you reach your destination as well. This will also get you the Are we there yet? achievement.