One of the biggest confusions you might have in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is about Red XIII’s fighting style. This is because he uses a special mode while fighting. Because of this, you might be wondering how does Vengeance Mode work in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. It might seem confusing at first but there is a method to this madness.
One of the many ways to make characters stronger in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is to have a strong summon like Titan at your side. It also helps to have strong Materia like the Magnify Materia. If you are playing as Red XIII, you will be tapping into your emotions for power. So how does Vengeance Mode work in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Vengeance Mode explained
Red XIII is a defensive character who gets enhanced when he enters Vengeance Mode. Vengeance mode can only be activated after you have partially filled the Vengeance meter that appears above the character abilities menu. The Vengeance gauge is increased by blocking and parrying attacks.

To block and parry attacks in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, hold down the R1 button. When timed with an opponent’s attack, you will parry it and receive no damage. This will fill up the Vengeance gauge. Once it is at least halfway full, you can press the triangle button to enter Vengeance Mode. The more full the bar is the longer that Vengeance will last. The longest this mode will last is until Red XIII’s second Limit Break called Howling Moon.
While in Vengeance Mode, Red XIII’s attacks are enhanced and he gets the ability to use Siphon Fang. Siphon Fang is a special ability that allows him to restore health by hitting enemies. When playing Red XIII, you will want to block enemy attacks early on so you can enter Vengeance Mode as quickly as possible. This will get you more attack power and allow you to his enemies harder.
Best equipment for Red XIII
Many of Red XIII’s weapons require the use of Vengeance Mode to get the full effect. We recommend using the Silver Collar, Golden Collar, or the Amethyst Collar on Red to help increase his abilities. The Silver Collar allows you to fill the Vengeance gauge up more and last retaliating ice attacks in the process. Next, the Golden Collar allows you to deplete the Vengeance gauge to heal your allies. This useful ability can come in handy when dealing with difficult foes. Finally, the Amethyst Collar can be used to apply haste to your allies by depleting the Vengeance gauge. Again, this is a useful tool to have since it will increase the speed at which everyone’s ATB bars fill up.