The Among Us animated series has announced its first round of cast. According to Variety, the first four voices in the show will be Elijah Wood, Randall Park, Yvette Nicole Brown, and Ashley Johnson. All four will be playing various colored suits like you see in the game, and will have various characteristics about themselves to differentiate from one another. Here is a breakdown of each character:
- Red (Randall Park) – Leader of the group and people-pleaser.
- Purple (Ashley Johnson) – Chief of Security, very suspicious of others.
- Orange (Yvette Nicole Brown) – HR shill.
- Green (Elijah Wood) – Unpaid intern who does whatever he’s told.
We think that this group is a great cast for a funny animated series depicting the Among Us game. We could easily hear Ashley Johnson, the voice of Ellie from The Last of Us games, constantly accusing others of being the Impostor, while Frodo from The Lord of the Rings messes up various tasks repairing the ship. Park and Brown are also great in just about everything they show up in, so we can’t wait to hear them work off of each other.
We don’t think this is the only cast who will be present in the Among Us series. We could easily see at least four more cast members being added to the lineup as we get closer to a release. While we haven’t heard much about the story, we expect every episode to focus on one member being killed by the Impostor and then a lot of arguments between everyone as they try to decide who did it.
As of this writing, the Among Us series does not have a network or streamer partner lined up yet, but Titmouse, makers of Big Mouth, is animating it. Things still seem to be in the early stages, so we don’t expect this show to premiere in 2024, but we may have even more crewmates added later on.