Knowing your way around the map in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown will be crucial for you to find all the secrets. While you could manually search out all of these areas, you can make things a lot easier by finding Fariba. This young girl will reveal the entire section you are in by paying a mere 50 time shards to her. However, locating her can be a little easier said than done. Here is the Fariba location in The Depths in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.
Where is the Fariba location in The Depths in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown?
Finding Fariba in The Depths of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is a little tricky because you have to take advantage of the Shadow of the Simurgh ability. First, you need to make your way to the elevator at the spot on the map below. In the main story, this elevator is found after talking to Neith in the sewers, and she gives you an update on the Immortals’ feelings toward Sargon.

With the elevator at the bottom of the shaft, activate the Shadow of Simurgh to leave a crystallized Sargon there. Now, send the elevator upward and use the ability again to teleport underneath the platforms. Sargon will fall to the bottom of the shaft where Fariba is sitting. Pay her 50 time shards to have this area revealed.

There is also more than just Fariba in this area. After you talk to her, move to your right and follow this path to find the Moon Gatherer hiding in a passage after you drain the sewage in this room. It’s not too tough of an area to navigate, and you can also get a Xerxes coin from your efforts here.