Your relationships matter when you are traveling the world from Kalm to Nibelheim and beyond. That is why you might be wondering how to increase relationship bonds in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Your relationship levels directly affect how your characters interact with each other. The closer they are, the better the experience of the game.
As you progress through FF7 Rebirth, you will have plenty of opportunities to affect how another character views you. Of course, this doesn’t happen in the introduction so you might want to know how to skip Nibelheim in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. This guide will show you how to increase relationship bonds in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
How to increase character bonds in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
Throughout the game, you will get dialogue choices that directly affect how a character views Cloud. During these times, appropriately answering a party member will increase your relationship level. One of the earliest times of this is when you are in Kalm and Tifa asks Cloud about the water tank. Answering that it reminds you of the promise you made to her will increase your character level slightly.
Other means of increasing character bonds are completing side quests and fighting together in a party. Basically, anything that makes the characters interact with one another will increase their relationships and make them closer to one another.

You can tell how someone feels about Cloud, based on the emoji symbol above their head. You can make this symbol appear by pressing the L1 button near your teammates. If someone is happy with Cloud, they will have a smiley face above their head. In the image above, Tifa is considered neutral.
Does FF7 Rebirth have romance options?
There aren’t traditional romance options in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth but the Gold Saucer Date from the original game is back. Much of the dialogue choices will matter leading up to that moment when you finally get to see the romance unfold. Until then, be sure to keep up with your dialogue choices and don’t accidentally say the wrong thing. Tifa will remember after all.
How do character bonds affect the game?
Character bonds affect different parts of the story and how scenes play out. There are multiple scenes where Cloud has alone time with other characters. If they view him negatively, the scenes can play out slightly differently than if they positively view him. Keep this in mind as you progress through the game and don’t slip up with your choices.