Just like playing Sylas in a traditional game of League of Legends, Sylas’ moves in Mageseeker can get a little complex. After all, he has his own chains and spells, but he can also diversify his kit by stealing others’ abilities. Add a few more chain grappling hooks and a dozen more elemental powers, and you’ve got Sylas in Mageseeker. So, in-game, how do you juggle all these new spells? Particularly when it comes to game mechanics.
What keys do you use to toggle spells in Mageseeker?
Throughout Mageseeker, the game does a pretty good job of holding your hand through new mechanics. You often get a prompt and a few opportunities to test out that new skill. One that the game leaves pretty open-ended, though, is the ability to switch between spells. As you play through the game, Sylas can hold and use up to four unique spells, but there is no simple and easy prompt that tells you how to switch between them. All the game offers is the knowledge that, to use your currently toggled spell, you hit Q.

However, despite the lack of prompts, switching between all four spells (once you have access to them) is quite simple: click 1 for the top spell, 2 for the leftmost spell, 3 for the bottom spell, and 4 for the rightmost spell. You may only start with one spell, but as you play throughout the game, cycling between spells becomes more important. Especially because certain units are weak to opposite elemental powers. For example, ice is weak to fire and vice versa. This is the case for earth and air, and then light and dark magic, too.

When regarding other platforms, check your settings for how to toggle through your spells. To do this, all you have to do is hit escape and enter your menu. There, go to the settings tab and click on controls. Scroll down and you should be able to see how you’re supposed to switch between your spells.