With just about new entry to Call of Duty Zombies, you can expect to see a wonder weapon available for you to equip. Sure, classics like the Ray Gun and the Wunderwaffe DG-2 pop up pretty regularly, but it’s the new inclusions that always catch our interest. With The Scorcher, we have a brand-new heavy weapon for MW3 Zombies. How viable is it to use, though? Is The Scorcher good in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies?
How good is The Scorcher wonder weapon in MW3 Zombies?
We think that The Scorcher is a pretty good wonder weapon in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies. We totally understand anyone who would prefer the Ray Gun or Wunderwaffe over it, but if you see it in the Mystery Box, you shouldn’t pass it up.
There are a few reasons we like to use The Scorcher in MW3 Zombies. First, it is very powerful. To shoot this gun, you have to first charge it up a little bit, but you then unleash a stream of electricity that will deal significant damage over time to any enemy that steps in its path. The more you charge up the blast, the longer the trail will be there.
The Scorcher also has a very useful secondary function. As you are walking around, you can charge up its secondary fire to launch yourself in the air. From here, you can deploy your parachute and move around the large open world map very quickly.
Finally, The Scorcher has unlimited ammo. While there aren’t too many situations where you will be short of ammo in MW3 Zombies, it is nice always to have the peace of mind that this gun is always stocked. You start with 10 ammo that is depleted as you use it. After just a few seconds, though, the ammo will replenish itself automatically, letting you seemingly stay in a fight forever.
The Scorcher can also be upgraded with the Pack-a-Punch Machine. Its upgrade criteria is the same as every other gun in this iteration of Zombies. After being upgraded, it deals more damage and its ammo is increased to 20.
Just because we like these aspects of The Scorcher doesn’t mean it has no faults. If you are not a fan of wielding heavy weapons that require a charge to fire, this probably won’t be to your liking. That said, you can use this weapon to burst down a train of zombies in any situation easily.