Did you see the Mysterious Code in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor? Are you curious about what it does? There are many secrets hidden throughout the planets in the game, with many of them appearing as soon as you reach Koboh. After finding Greez, you will start to get access to various places around the refuge. One of the many unlocks is Doma’s shop and she sells a mysterious item if you are willing to pay for it. Should you purchase the Mysterious Keycode in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor?
How to get Priorite Shards in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

The main currency of Doma’s shop is Priorite Shards which aren’t extremely plentiful in the galaxy. These shards are often hidden in various areas around the map. Go down the path less traveled and you may find a glowing sparkle. When you do, interact with it, and it will most likely be a Priorite Shard. You can find Priorite Shards in many locations, including by destroying objects so always keep your eyes peeled. Most of the items in Doma’s shop only cost three or four shards so it won’t take long for you to start purchasing items.
Is the Mysterious Keycode worth it in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor?

Doma’s shop has one item that stands out from the rest; the Mysterious Keycode. This item will cost you more than any other item in Doma’s shop; 10 Priorite Shards. Don’t worry, it’s worth it. Purchasing the Mysterious Keycode will get you access to the door to the left of where Doma is sitting. On the other side is a small storage room that contains an extra Stim for you to use in combat. Paying 10 shards for some extra life isn’t a bad deal, especially if you use Stim Canisters a lot.