Critical Role has done a wide sweep across the TTRPG space. They began their gaming journey playing Pathfinder, and switched to D&D5e when they started livestreaming. Various one-shots they’ve played have used other rule systems, like the popular Call of Cthulhu. So when they announce they are creating their own fantasy TTRPG system called Daggerheart, it’s sure to be something great.
Daggerheart is a d12-based system, though it makes use of all dice in a traditional set. The d12’s play a key roll for HOPE and FEAR rolls. According to the game’s site:
When it’s time for the game mechanics to control fate, players roll one HOPE die and one FEAR die (both 12-sided dice), which will ultimately impact the outcome for your characters. This duality between the forces of hope and fear on every hero drives the unique character-focused narratives in Daggerheart.” – Daggerheart official website

Daggerheart also promises to be character-centric, using a card system to represent key features of your character. These include Ancestry and Community cards to show how your background impacts your values, as well as Subclass and Domain cards that function like familiar levelling trees. Daggerheart is designed to be easy for anyone to pick up and play, regardless of how experienced they are with TTRPGs. This may come as a relief to those daunted by the complex rules of more established systems.
Right now, the game is in open beta testing, with everything you need to try it out available on its website. The testing is expected to close this summer, and changes will be implemented prior to its official release.
Critical Role’s Daggerheart is being published through their own Darrington Press and is expected to be available to play officially in 2025.