Content Warning is a pretty insane game that requires you to try and become internet-famous using SpookTube. Of course, if you want to become famous, you need to get views. Views are what will earn you money in the game and get you to go viral. The higher the level you are on, the more views you will need to go viral. So how what can you do to increase your internet popularity? Here is how to get more views in Content Warning.
Best ways to get more views in Content Warning
There are plenty of ways that you can increase the amount of views you get in Content Warning. Depending on what level you are on, you may not be able to use these methods. If that is the case, do what you can until you earn more money or reach a higher level.
- Talk to viewers
- Emote
- Get new equipment
- Capture everything you can
- Recover your lost footage
- Use Selfie Mode
- Use all your footage
- Get better audio quality
- Listen to your audience
Let’s break down how each of these can help you get more views in Content Warning.
Talk to viewers
The proximity chat feature in the game picks up whether you are talking to the camera or not. This does not mean that you have to act like you are specifically talking to the camera but talk as if you are reacting to what you find. Speaking about a terrifying monster or that ribcage that you found will get you those extra views.

Emotes are fun to use and they are another way that you can react to things in the game. Performing emotes shows personality and gets the audience more interested in your footage, earning you more views in the process.
Get new equipment
Each time you get paid, you will have the chance to get more equipment from the in-game store. Use this to your advantage and by useful tools like items to heal your friends, cause a distraction, or even hurt the monsters. This will all come in handy later on when you are dealing with tougher foes.

Capture everything you can
You will want to make sure you capture anything that you find that is considered “spooky.” This means bones, monsters, and even character deaths. If your friend is getting sacrificed by a monster, don’t ignore it or run away, film it!
Recover your lost footage
Say you end up dying or simply lose your camera. This means you will need to go back and get it. Retrieving your lost footage will get you some bonus views because you braved the depths and managed to survive to get that bonus footage.

Use Selfie Mode
The camera has a Selfie Mode that you can use to film your own reactions to what you see. Use a mix of the regular mode and selfie mode to show every character in the lobby and not just your friends. Viewers will bring it up if you don’t appear on camera.

Use all your footage
The camera has a certain amount of film. Surprisingly, it runs out very quickly so it shouldn’t be too hard to use up all of the camera’s film in one trip. Be sure to always run out the camera’s film so you can get a long video.
Get better audio quality
Get the Boom Mic when you can from the store because it will increase your audio quality. Eventually, your viewers are going to talk about your sound quality and they will want an upgrade so make sure to give it to them.
Listen to your audience
Your audience is the key to getting more views. If you don’t give them what they want, they will quickly leave you. Pay attention to the comments as you watch the playback of your adventures. This will provide clues so that you can get more views the next time you and your friends submerge.