You more or less know what to expect with weapons in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. You will journey all over Hyrule and need to make use of the various swords, shields, and bows you find along the way. Unfortunately, with the Upheaval, a lot of items are decayed. This lowers the effectiveness of these tools, making them break quickly. Knowing that, is there any way to get non-decayed weapons in Tears of the Kingdom?
Can you get non-decayed items in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?
Before we go further, it is important to note how weapon decay works in Tears of the Kingdom. This drop in efficiency is applied to all metal melee weapons. Swords, spears, and more will break quickly when you use them without attaching anything using Fuse. Wooden melee weapons are still the same as they were in Breath of the Wild.
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While decayed items are everywhere in Tears of the Kingdom, you can get pristine items. In the Depths, you will find shadowy figures on top of rock towers holding various melee weapons you can grab. These are non-decayed and will have a diamond symbol next to them in your inventory, indicating they have more durability than others you get in Tears of the Kingdom. Most of the time, there will only be one, but we have seen up to three in one location.
When you grab the undecayed weapons in the Depths, you can still fuse them with various materials to make them more powerful. By default, we haven’t seen too many that have that high of attack power in their base form. That said, the increased endurance is nice to have.
Some people have also said you can throw a decayed weapon into the mouth of a Rock Octorok to get rid of the decay, but we have done this and found it is a myth. We threw a sword in, and all that happened was it got a damage buff but was still decayed.