Fallout 76 hasn’t received a big update for the game’s CAMP system in a long time. Past updates added more items for the camp and Fallout 1st added the Scrapper and Ammo Box. Many players have made suggestions as to how to make the CAMP system better and one fan seems to have nailed everything players could ask for.
User League-of-Nations-CB on Reddit created a post detailing everything they would want in a future CAMP update. After reading through the post, we can see a lot of potential in it and we are a bit surprised Bethesda hasn’t done some of these updates. At least we are getting the Fallout 4 next-gen update, even if it comes at the cost of the Fallout 4 London mod.
On the list of updates they suggest, some of our favorites are a donation box for camps, vending machine notes, additional allies, and the ability to give allies weapons. Each of these would make a huge difference for camps and we aren’t the only ones who think so. One user commented, “Big yes to a ledger that tracks your last few sales,” while another user replied saying, “Seriously, would love to see what the jerk who exploited the vendor glitch stole from my stash. I know it was a few pieces of mismatched unyielding armor and some PA pieces, but by the time I realized the purchases weren’t things in my vendor the notifications were already disappearing.”
Another user thinks the Ammo Converter needs some work and said, “I’d like an ammo converter that’s user friendly like a trade or purchase exchange. The current machine is hot garbage. That or allow us to break down the ammo into components to reuse.” Another user simply suggested adding a chem box. That would probably be the best addition in a Fallout 76 CAMP update because of the massive number of Stims we have stored. Having a box that is only for chems would save a lot of space in our standard supply box.