Let’s face it, Arrowhead has a habit of nerfing the guns in each Warbond. Primaries end up getting the boot pretty consistently so players are always switching up their builds. The latest patch, aimed at fixing the shrapnel effect from the Eruptor, has many fans claiming that it is worse. This is largely because it doesn’t deal the same amount of damage as it used to. Many are now going back to the Liberator because they claim it is the only viable option.
After this string of nerfs, some are starting to get nervous about the next Warbond, Polar Patriots, set to be released on May 9th. For instance, Reddit user Boring-Hurry3462 stated “The guns were advertised as hard hitters. Only one was good, until last patch. Now all 3 are garbage and the base liberator can give better overall performance. Why pay for Warbonds when the guns get nerfed into something you will likely never use again because of how bad it is.”
Many upvotes later and there are multiple players agreeing that this string of nerfs needs to end. One user commented, “I agree. Even if something stands out in the next Warbond, we know it’ll get nerfed.” Another user stated, “I was just thinking this. Bought all ones to date immediately, started working towards the “fun” stuff, then find it’s been hobbled before I even get to play with it.”
Of course, there are many who defend the changes the devs have made to these weapons. For instance, the R-9 Eruptor was the latest to get hit. The weapon now does more consistent damage but can no longer one-shot some enemy types. While this does make it a less viable option, it also makes it less likely to kill the wielder. Either way, fans aren’t eager to see which weapon from the Polar Patriots Warbond gets the next debuff.